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Showing posts from December 13, 2011

Securing Your Network From Hackers With HoneyPots

First thing any hacker would do to compromise any network is gathering information passively and seeking vulnerable services as well as ports. And this is where Honeypots play a role of fake vulnerability in network. Honeypots are fake theoretically, but not practically. They are real vulnerabilities in Network intentionally kept open & designed to gather information about the possible attack / attacker.

How To Secure Your Wordpress Blogs?

Hackers are the person like you and us but the only difference is that they use their skills for the negative and destructive purposes, they use their skills to break a website, they normally destroy all the stuff's, so if you are a admin of a website you should care about the security of the website.

How To Get A FACEBOOK E-mail Address

How to Get Facebook Email Address!!!!! Facebook has just new features in which it will give email addresses to users ,at this time facebook email id is not open to everyone ,you have to request invittation.In order to get a invite to this new service you need to visit following  link where in you would be asked to click on the ‘Request Invite’ button.