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1000 Indian Websites hacked by Bangladeshi Hackers Including NDTV & Government sites

BSF Website Hacked By Bangladeshi Group
The website of the Border Security Force (BSF) has been reportedly hacked into by a group of Bangladeshi hackers. The webiste was one among more than 20,000 others, which also included that of the Trinamool Congress. The attacks came after Bangladeshi newspapers reported that five of their government websites were destroyed by Indian hackers. The seriousness of this incident can only be gauged by the fact that a group of Pakistani hackers simultaneously attacked and gained access to over 2000 Indian websites. According to them, their objective was "to hit Indian cyber fence and to defend Bangladeshi hackers in this ongoing cyber war". As if that wasn't enough, yet another consortium of hackers damaged over 700 Indian sites.

The Bangladesh Black HAT Hackers boasted of their "achievements" on their Facebook page, claiming that this was done to "avenge the killings of Bangladeshi (by the BSF) at the borders". Voice Of Grey Hat, a web forum monitoring hacking activities, reported that "Pakistani hackers also contributed on behalf of Bangladesh". The groups Bangladesh Cyber Army and 3xp1r3 Cyber Army have allegedly hacked into the National Informatics Centreportal and 850 more sites. Denial of Service was the mode of attack being adopted, and some of the sites were defaced.

It is clear that a triple entente of sorts is in effect between India's three hostile neighbours (China, Pakistan, and Bangladesh) to destabilise the country on the cyber front, and India will have to make extra efforts to deal with this emerging threat. On the surface, it does seem to be less harmful than outright terrorist attacks, but it can be potentially alarming if such hackers get hold of websites handling sensitive information.


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